School Uniform

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What a child wears to school reflects his/her attitude to learning.
All children are expected to wear school uniform.

  • Cardigan/V-neck jumper: jade green with school logo or school hoodie
  • Blouse /Shirt: white
  • School Tie
  • Skirt/Trousers: Grey/black

All pupils must wear black shoes, no trainers of any description will be accepted, and if pupils do attend school wearing trainers a phone call home will be made asking for a change of footwear. A full range of school uniform can be seen and purchased from the main office and we ask all parents to mark uniform with the pupil’s name.

PE and Games kit / Wellbeing days

It is important for pupils to wear correct clothing for physical activities. Children require dark shorts or cycling shorts, white PE t-shirt, School Jumper or School Hoody and appropriate footwear.


Watches are the only item of jewellery considered appropriate for school. For pupils with pierced ears studs must be worn.
Please note staff are not allowed to remove or look after jewellery for children.
The safest place is at home.

Lost Property

Naming all items of clothing reduces the risk! We keep lost property for a reasonable period of time, but it is difficult to identify items that are not labelled. For any lost items please contact Auntie Mel in the Office.