Governing Body

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Dear Parents,

May I thank you on behalf of the Governing Body for taking time to visit our website. I hope that it helps you appreciate the range of opportunities we offer to our pupils, parents and the wider community.

As a school we are very proud of our achievements and the learning environment that we create for our pupils. Our dedicated, hardworking staff will work with you as partners to lay the foundations for learning for your child throughout their life.

Cllr. Mandy Hawkins

Chair of Governors

Board of Governors 2023/2024

Chair of Governors: Cllr. Mandy Hawkins

Vice Chair: Philippa Sowtus

Community Governor: David Hawkins

LEA: Vacant

LEA: Vacant

Headteacher : Mr Nicholas Evans

Teaching Staff: Miss Paige Tilbury

Support Staff: Mrs Emma Fellows

Parent Governor: Ms Emma Chadwick

Parent Governor: Mrs Clare Roberts

Parent Governor: Mrs Jo Deckwa

Community Governor: Mrs Cherie Cuthbertson

Clerk to Governors: Mrs Melanie Guiney